Hiroo Kanamori
John E. and Hazel S. Smits Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus
Physics of Earthquakes
During an earthquake, one side of the fault moves suddenly with respect to the other. This process radiates energy as seismic waves, and generates heat due to friction and other non-linear processes. The study of the recent deep Bolivian earthquake suggests that only 4 % of the total strain energy was released as seismic waves, and most of the energy was converted to heat. The total amount of heat energy released is 1 to 10 times more than that released during the major volcanic eruptions such as the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption. This result suggested that melting can be an important mechanism for promoting seismic slip, especially for deep-focus earthquakes.
With the advent of modern broad-band seismic networks we can study seismic wave radiation in detail, from which we can understand how an earthquake nucleates, ruptures, and stops. The goal is to understand the deterministic as well as "complex" aspect of earthquake physics.
- Kanamori, H., and M. Kikuchi, The 1992 Nicaragua Earthquake: a slow tsunami earthquake associated with subducted sediments, Nature, 361, 714-716, 1993.
- Kikuchi, M., and H. Kanamori, The mechanism of the deep Bolivia earthquake of June 9, 1994, Geophys. Res. Lett, 21, 2341-2344, 1994.
- Kanamori, H., D. L. Anderson, and T. H. Heaton, Frictional melting during the rupture of the 1994 Bolivian earthquake, Science, 1998.
Interaction of Atmosphere and Lithosphere
The earth's surface is covered by atmosphere, and energy coupling occurs between atmosphere and lithosphere. For example, during the major eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 15, 1991, an unusually long (at least two hours) seismic wave train having periods of about 230 sec was recorded at seismic stations throughout the world. This oscillation has a very sharp spectral peak at a period of 228 sec. We found that this wave train is the seismic Rayleigh wave excited by atmospheric oscillations near the volcano that were set off by continuous thermal energy flux from the volcano. This study demonstrated that modern seismological networks can be used to study the physics of volcanic eruptions; it provides new information about how volcanoes affect the Earth's atmosphere and a way to quantify volcanic eruptions. Study of acoustic and gravity waves has interesting applications for understanding unusual waves excited by space shuttles and the impact of the Shoemaker-Levy comet.
- Kanamori, H., J. Mori, D. Anderson, and T. Heaton, Seismic Excitation by the Space Shuttle Columbia, Nature, 349, 781-782, 1991.
- Kanamori, H., and J. Mori, Harmonic Excitation of Mantle Rayleigh Waves by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 721-724, 1992.
- Kanamori, H., Excitation of Jovian normal modes by an impact source, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2921-2924, 1993.
- Ingersoll, A. P., and H. Kanamori, Waves from the collisions of Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter, Nature, 374, 706-708, 1994.
- Kanamori, H., J. Mori, and D. G. Harkrider, Excitation of atmospheric oscillations by volcanic eruptions, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 21,947-21,961, 1994.
Application of Real-Time Seismology to Hazard Mitigation
Advances in seismic sensor and data acquisition systems, digital communications, and computers make it possible to build reliable real-time earthquake information systems. Such systems provide a means for modern urban regions to cope effectively with the aftermath of major earthquakes. While accurate earthquake predictions are difficult, these systems aid in the post-earthquake response and recovery phases, and thus are socially beneficial in modern industrialized urban and suburban regions. In the long term these systems also provide basic data for mitigation strategies such as improved building codes. We are developing a modern seismic network, TriNet, to accomplish this goal. TriNet is a joint project between Caltech, U.S. Geological Survey, and the State of California.
- Kanamori, H., Locating Earthquakes with Amplitude: Application to Real- Time Seismology, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 83, 264-268, 1993.
- Kanamori, H., E. Hauksson, and T. Heaton, Real-time seismology and earthquake hazard mitigation, Nature 390, 461-464, 1997.
Physics of Long-Term Crustal Processes Associated with Earthquakes
The physical properties of the Earth's crust are likely to change as a function of time. However, physics of such changes is not well understood. For example, after the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake, seismic activity in many places in California increased significantly. One interpretation is that the strength of crust was suddenly reduced when it was shaken by passing seismic waves from the Landers earthquake. We have explored a mechanism for such weakening. Although this field is at an early stage of development, a better understanding of the physics of fluid-filled crust would lead to unraveling many interesting, but mysterious, phenomena associated with earthquakes. These phenomena include changes in seismicity, seismicity patterns, electric-magnetic field disturbances, and changes in ground-water level and chemistry.
- Sturtevant, B., H. Kanamori, and E. Brodsky, Seismic triggering by rectified diffusion in geothermal systems, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 25269, 1996.
For PDF reprints of papers that may not be available from the links below, see my publications at CaltechAUTHORS
Papers: 2010-Present
Claudio Satriano a, c., n, Yih-MinWub, AldoZollo c, Hiroo Kanamori, 2010, Earthquake early warning: Concepts, methods and physical grounds, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Hauksson, E., Stock, J., Hutton, K., Yang, W., Vidal-Villegas, A. & Kanamori, H., 2010. The 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Sequence, Baja California, Mexico and Southernmost California, USA: Active Seismotectonics along the Mexican Pacific Margin, Pure Appl. Geophys., DOI 10.1007/s00024-00010-00209-00027
Hsu, Y.-J., Rivera, L., Wu, Y.-M., Chang, C.-H. & Kanamori, H., 2010. Spatial heterogeneity of tectonic stress and friction in the crust: new evidence from earthquake focal mechanisms in Taiwan, Geophys. J. Int., 182, 329-342, doi: 310.1111/j.1365-1246X.2010.04609.x.
Kanamori, H., Rivera, L. & Lee, W.H.K., 2010. Historical seismograms for unravelling a mysterious earthquake: The 1907 Sumatra Earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 183 358–374, doi: 310.1111/j.1365-1246X.2010.04731.x.
Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., Hutko, A.R. & Kanamori, H., 2010. Effects of Kinematic Constraints on Teleseismic Finite-Source Rupture Inversions: Great Peruvian Earthquakes of 23 June 2001 and 15 August 2007, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. , 100, 969–994, doi: 910.1785/0120090274
Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., Kanamori, H., Koper, K.D., Sufri, O. & Hutko, A.R., 2010. Teleseismic inversion for rupture process of the 27 February 2010 Chile (Mw 8.8) earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L13301, doi:13310.11029/12010GL043379.
Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., Kanamori, H., Rivera, L., Koper, K.D. & Hutko, A.R., 2010. The 2009 Samoa–Tonga great earthquake triggered doublet, Nature, 466, 964-968, doi: 910.1038/nature09214.
Mello, M., Bhat, H.S., Rosakis, A.J. & Kanamori, H., 2010. Identifying the unique ground motion signatures of supershear earthquakes: Theory and experiments, Tectonophysics, 493, 297-326.
Satriano, C., Wu, Y.-M., Zollo, A. & Kanamori H., 2010. Earthquake early warning:Concepts,methods and physical grounds, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31, 106-118.
Watada, S. and H. Kanamori 2010. Acoustic resonant oscillations between the atmosphere and the solid earth during the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption . J. Geophys. Res. 115, B12319, doi:12310.11029/12010JB007747.
Zollo, A., Amoroso, O., Lancieri, M., Wu, Y.-M. & Kanamori, H., 2010. A threshold-based earthquake early warning using dense accelerometer networks, Geophys. J. Int., 183, 963-974, doi: 910.1111/j.1365-1246X.2010.04765.x.
Ammon, C.J., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Cleveland, M., 2011. A rupture model of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 693-696, doi:610.5047/eps.2011.5005.5015.
Chu, R., S. Wei, Helmberger, D.V., Zhan, Z., Zhu, L. & Kanamori, H., 2011. Initiation of the great Mw 9.0 Tohoku–Oki earthquake, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 308, 277-283, doi:210.1016/j.epsl.2011.1006.1031.
Duputel, Z., Rivera, L., Kanamori, H., & Hayes, G., 2011. Real-time W phase inversion during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 535-539.
Koper, K. D., Hutko, A.R., Lay, T. Ammon, C.J. & Kanamori, H., 2011. Frequency-dependent rupture process of the 11 March 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku earthquake: Comparison of short-period P wave backprojection images and broadband seismic rupture models, Earth Planets Space 58, 1-4.
Lay, T., Ammon,C.J., Kanamori, H., Kim, M.J. & Xue, L., 2011. Outer trench-slope faulting and the 2011 Mw 9.0 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 713-718, doi:710.5047/eps.2011.5005.5006.
Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., kanamori, H., Xue, L. & Kim, M.J., 2011. Possible large near-trench slip during the 2011 Mw 9.0 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 687-692, doi:610.5047/eps.2011.5005.5033.
Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., Kanamori, H., Yamazaki, Y. Cheung, K.F. & Hutko, A.R, (2011). The 25 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake (Mw 7.8) and the tsunami hazard presented by shallow megathrust ruptures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L06302, doi:06310.01029/02010GL046552.
Lay, T. & Kanamori, H. (2011). Insights from the great 2011 Japan earthquake, Physics Today, 64, December 2011, 33-39.
Lay, T., Yamazaki, Y., Ammon, C.J., Cheung, K.F. & Kanamori, H., 2011. The 2011 Mw 9.0 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake: Comparison of deep-water tsunami signals with finite-fault rupture model predictions, Earth Planets Space, 797-801, doi:710.5047/eps.2011.5005.5030.
Simons, M., Minson, S., Sladen, A., Ortega, F., Jiang, J., Owen, S., Meng, L, Ampuero, J.P., Wei, S., Chu, R., Hekmberger, D.V., Kanamori, H. Hetland, E., Moore, A.W., Webb, F.H., 2011. The 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Mosaicking the Megathrust from Seconds to Centuries, Science, 332:,1421-1425.
Yamazaki, Y., Lay, T.K.F., Cheung, K. F., Yue, H. & Kanamori, H., 2011. Modeling near-field tsunami observations to improve finite-fault slip models for the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L00G15, doi:10.1029/2011GL049130.
Zhao, D., Huang, z., Umino, N., Hasegawa, A. & Kanamori, H., 2011. Structural heterogeneity in the megathrust zone and mechanism of the 2011 Tohokuâ€oki earthquake (Mw 9.0), Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L17308, doi:17310.11029/12011GL048408.
Colombelli, S., Amoroso, O., Zollo, A. & Kanamori, H., 2012. Test of a threshold‐based earthquake early‐warning method using Japanese data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102, 1266-1275.
Colombelli, S., Zollo, A., Festa, G. & Kanamori, H., 2012. Early magnitude and potential damage zone estimates for the great Mw 9 Tohoku‐Oki earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Duputel, Z., Kanamori, H., Tsai, V.C., Rivera, L., Meng, L., Ampuero, J.-P. & Stock, J.M., 2012. The 2012 Sumatra great earthquake sequence, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 351, 247-257.
Duputel, Z., Rivera, L., Fukahata, Y. & Kanamori, H., 2012. Uncertainty estimations for seismic source inversions, Geophysical Journal International, 190, 1243-1256.
Duputel, Z., Rivera, L., Kanamori, H. & Hayes, G., 2012. W phase source inversion for moderate to large earthquakes (1990–2010), Geophysical Journal International, 189, 1125-1147.
Kanamori, H., Lee, W.H. & Ma, K.-F., 2012. The 1909 Taipei earthquake—implication for seismic hazard in Taipei, Geophysical Journal International, 191, 126-146.
Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Ammon, C.J., Koper, K.D., Hutko, A.R., Ye, L., Yue, H. & Rushing, T.M., 2012. Depth‐varying rupture properties of subduction zone megathrust faults, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117.
Ritsema, J., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2012. The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Elements, 8, 183-188.
Wang, D., Becker, N.C., Walsh, D., Fryer, G.J., Weinstein, S.A., McCreery, C.S., Sardiña, V., Hsu, V., Hirshorn, B.F. & Hayes, G.P., 2012. Real‐time forecasting of the April 11, 2012 Sumatra tsunami, Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Ye, L., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2012. Intraplate and interplate faulting interactions during the August 31, 2012, Philippine Trench earthquake (Mw 7.6) sequence, Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Ye, L., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2012. The Sanriku‐Oki low‐seismicity region on the northern margin of the great 2011 Tohoku‐Oki earthquake rupture, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117.
Zhan, Z., Helmberger, D., Simons, M., Kanamori, H., Wu, W., Cubas, N., Duputel, Z., Avouac, J.-P., Chu, R. & Tsai, V., 2012. Earthquakes with anonalously steep dip in the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 353, 121-133.
Duputel, Z., Tsai, V.C., Rivera, L. & Kanamori, H., 2013. Using centroid time-delays to characterize source durations and identify earthquakes with unique characteristics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 374, 92-100.
Hauksson, E., Kanamori, H., Stock, J., Cormier, M.-H. & Legg, M., 2013. Active Pacific North America Plate boundary tectonics as evidenced by seismicity in the oceanic lithosphere offshore Baja California, Mexico, Geophysical Journal International, 196, 1619-1630.
Hauksson, E., Stock, J., Bilham, R., Boese, M., Chen, X., Fielding, E.J., Galetzka, J., Hudnut, K.W., Hutton, K. & Jones, L.M., 2013. Report on the August 2012 Brawley earthquake swarm in Imperial Valley, southern California, Seismological Research Letters, 84, 177-189.
Lay, T., Duputel, Z., Ye, L. & Kanamori, H., 2013. The December 7, 2012 Japan Trench intraplate doublet (Mw 7.2, 7.1) and interactions between near-trench intraplate thrust and normal faulting, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 220, 73-78.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F. & Ammon, C.J., 2013. The February 6, 2013 Mw 8.0 Santa Cruz Islands earthquake and tsunami, Tectonophysics, 608, 1109-1121..
Lay, T., Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F., Kwong, K. & Koper, K.D., 2013. The October 28, 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii underthrusting earthquake and tsunami: Slip partitioning along the Queen Charlotte fault transpressional plate boundary, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 375, 57-70.
Noda, H., Lapusta, N. & Kanamori, H., 2013. Comparison of average stress drop measures for ruptures with heterogeneous stress change and implications for earthquake physics, Geophysical Journal International, 193, 1691-1712.
Tsai, V.C., Ampuero, J.P., Kanamori, H. & Stevenson, D.J., 2013. Estimating the effect of Earth elasticity and variable water density on tsunami speeds, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 492-496.
Ye, L., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2013. Ground shaking and seismic source spectra for large earthquakes around the megathrust fault offshore of northeastern Honshu, Japan, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103, 1221-1241.
Ye, L., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2013. Large earthquake rupture process variations on the Middle America megathrust, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381, 147-155.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Koper, K.D., 2013. Energy release of the 2013 Mw 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk earthquake and deep slab stress heterogeneity, Science, 341, 1380-1384.
Huang, Y., Ampuero, J.-P. & Kanamori, H., 2014. Slip-weakening models of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and constraints on stress drop and fracture energy, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 2555-2568.
Kanamori, H., 2014. The diversity of large earthquakes and its implications for hazard mitigation, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 42, 7-26.
Mello, M., Bhat, H., Rosakis, A. & Kanamori, H., 2014. Reproducing the supershear portion of the 2002 Denali earthquake rupture in laboratory, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387, 89-96.
Rivera, L. & Kanamori, H., 2014. Diagnosing source geometrical complexity of large earthquakes, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 2819-2840.
Ruiz, J.A., Hayes, G.P., Carrizo, D., Kanamori, H., Socquet, A. & Comte, D., 2014. Seismological analyses of the 2010 March 11, Pichilemu, Chile M w 7.0 and M w 6.9 coastal intraplate earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International, 197, 414-434.
Ye, L., Lay, T. & Kanamori, H., 2014. The 23 June 2014 Mw 7.9 Rat Islands archipelago, Alaska, intermediate depth earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6389-6395.
Zhan, Z., Kanamori, H., Tsai, V.C., Helmberger, D.V. & Wei, S., 2014. Rupture complexity of the 1994 Bolivia and 2013 Sea of Okhotsk deep earthquakes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 385, 89-96.
Beroza, G. & Kanamori, H., 2015. Earthquake Seismology: An Introduction and Overview.
Chen, W., Ni, S., Kanamori, H., Wei, S., Jia, Z. & Zhu, L., 2015. CAPjoint, a computer software package for joint inversion of moderate earthquake source parameters with local and teleseismic waveforms, Seismological Research Letters, 86, 432-441.
Colombelli, S., Caruso, A., Zollo, A., Festa, G. & Kanamori, H., 2015. AP wave‐based, on‐site method for earthquake early warning, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 1390-1398.
Kanamori, H., 2015. Earthquake hazard mitigation and real-time warnings of tsunamis and earthquakes, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172, 2335-2341.
Kanamori, H. & Rivera, L., 2015. Near-vertical multiple ScS phases and vertically averaged mantle properties, The Interdisciplinary Earth: A Volume in Honor of Don L. Anderson, 71, 9-31.
Riel, B., Milillo, P., Simons, M., Lundgren, P., Kanamori, H. & Samsonov, S., 2015. The collapse of Bárðarbunga caldera, Iceland, Geophysical Journal International, 202, 446-453.
Zhan, Z., Shearer, P.M. & Kanamori, H., 2015. Supershear rupture in the 24 May 2013 Mw 6.7 Okhotsk deep earthquake: Additional evidence from regional seismic stations, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 7941-7948.
Zhao, J., Moretti, L., Mangeney, A., Stutzmann, E., Kanamori, H., Capdeville, Y., Calder, E.S., Hibert, C., Smith, P.J. & Cole, P., 2015. Model space exploration for determining landslide source history from long-period seismic data, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172, 389-413.
Kohler, M.D., Massari, A., Heaton, T.H., Kanamori, H., Hauksson, E., Guy, R., Clayton, R.W., Bunn, J. & Chandy, K., 2016. Downtown Los Angeles 52-story high-rise and free-field response to an oil refinery explosion, Earthquake Spectra, 32, 1793-1820.
Lin, Y.-Y., Ma, K.-F., Kanamori, H., Song, T.-R.A., Lapusta, N. & Tsai, V.C., 2016. Evidence for non-self-similarity of microearthquakes recorded at a Taiwan borehole seismometer array, Geophysical Journal International, 206, 757-773.
Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Avouac, J.-P., Li, L., Cheung, K.F. & Lay, T., 2016. The 16 April 2016, MW 7.8 (MS 7.5) Ecuador earthquake: A quasi-repeat of the 1942 MS 7.5 earthquake and partial re-rupture of the 1906 MS 8.6 Colombia–Ecuador earthquake, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 248-258.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Freymueller, J.T. & Rivera, L., 2016. Joint inversion of high-rate GPS and teleseismic observations for rupture process of the 23 June 2014 (Mw 7.9) Rat Islands archipelago, Alaska, intermediate depth earthquake, Plate Boundaries and Natural Hazards, 149-166.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Rivera, L., 2016. Rupture characteristics of major and great (Mw≥ 7.0) megathrust earthquakes from 1990 to 2015: 1. Source parameter scaling relationships, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 826-844.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Rivera, L., 2016. Rupture characteristics of major and great (Mw≥ 7.0) megathrust earthquakes from 1990 to 2015: 2. Depth dependence, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 845-863.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H., Zhan, Z. & Duputel, Z., 2016. Diverse rupture processes in the 2015 Peru deep earthquake doublet, Science advances, 2, e1600581.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Zhan, Z., Kanamori, H. & Hao, J.-L., 2016. The isolated∼ 680 km deep 30 may 2015 Mw 7.9 Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands earthquake, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 433, 169-179.
Zhan, Z. & Kanamori, H., 2016. Recurring large deep earthquakes in Hindu Kush driven by a sinking slab, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7433-7441.
Gabuchian, V., Rosakis, A.J., Bhat, H.S., Madariaga, R. & Kanamori, H., 2017. Experimental evidence that thrust earthquake ruptures might open faults, Nature, 545, 336.
Kanamori, H. & Rivera, L., 2017. An M w= 7.7 slow earthquake in 1960 near the Aysén Fjord region, Chile, Geophysical Journal International, 211, 93-106.
Kanamori, H., Ye, L., Huang, B.-S., Huang, H.-H., Lee, S.-J., Liang, W.-T., Lin, Y.-Y., Ma, K.-F., Wu, Y.-M. & Yeh, T.-Y., 2017. A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (M_w= 6.4), Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 28, 637-650.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Ammon, C.J. & Kanamori, H., 2017. Intraslab rupture triggering megathrust rupture coseismically in the 17 December 2016 Solomon Islands Mw 7.9 earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 1286-1292.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Bai, Y., Cheung, K.F., Kanamori, H., Freymueller, J., Steblov, G.M. & Kogan, M.G., 2017. Rupture along 400 km of the Bering fracture zone in the Komandorsky Islands earthquake (MW 7.8) of 17 July 2017, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 12,161-112,169.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Koper, K.D. & Kanamori, H., 2017. Assessment of teleseismically-determined source parameters for the April 25, 2015 MW 7.9 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake and the May 12, 2015 MW 7.2 aftershock, Tectonophysics, 714, 4-20.
Ross, Z., Kanamori, H. & Hauksson, E., 2017. Anomalously large complete stress drop during the 2016 Mw 5.2 Borrego Springs earthquake inferred by waveform modeling and near‐source aftershock deficit, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 5994-6001.
Wetzler, N., Lay, T., Brodsky, E.E. & Kanamori, H., 2017. Rupture‐Depth‐Varying Seismicity Patterns for Major and Great (Mw≥ 7.0) Megathrust Earthquakes, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 9663-9671.
Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Avouac, J.-P., Li, L., Cheung, K.F. & Lay, T., 2017. Corrigendum to" The 16 April 2016, MW 7.8 (MS 7.5) Ecuador earthquake: A quasi-repeat of the 1942 MS 7.5 earthquake and partial re-rupture of the 1906 MS 8.6 Colombia-Ecuador earthquake"[Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 454 (2016) 248-258], Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 458, 442-443.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Bai, Y., Cheung, K.F. & Kanamori, H., 2017. The 2017 Mw 8.2 Chiapas, Mexico, earthquake: energetic slab detachment, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11,824-811,832.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Koper, K.D., 2017. Rapidly estimated seismic source parameters for the 16 September 2015 Illapel, Chile M w 8.3 earthquake. in The Chile-2015 (Illapel) Earthquake and Tsunami, pp. 11-22Springer.
Kanamori, H. & Ross, Z.E., 2018. Reviving m B, Geophysical Journal International, 216, 1798-1816.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Bai, Y., Cheung, K.F. & Kanamori, H., 2018. The 2018 MW 7.9 Gulf of Alaska earthquake: Multiple fault rupture in the Pacific plate, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 9542-9551.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Kanamori, H. & Satake, K., 2018. Constraining the Dip of Shallow, Shallowly Dipping Thrust Events Using Long‐Period Love Wave Radiation Patterns: Applications to the 25 October 2010 Mentawai, Indonesia, and 4 May 2018 Hawaii Island Earthquakes, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10,342-310,349.
Ross, Z.E., Kanamori, H., Hauksson, E. & Aso, N., 2018. Dissipative intraplate faulting during the 2016 Mw 6.2 Tottori, Japan earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 1631-1642.
Wetzler, N., Lay, T., Brodsky, E.E. & Kanamori, H., 2018. Systematic deficiency of aftershocks in areas of high coseismic slip for large subduction zone earthquakes, Science advances, 4, eaao3225.
Ye, L., Kanamori, H. & Lay, T., 2018. Global variations of large megathrust earthquake rupture characteristics, Science advances, 4, eaao4915.
Kanamori, H., Rivera, L. & Lambotte, S., 2019. Evidence for a large strike-slip component during the 1960 Chilean earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, 218, 1-32.
Kanamori, H., Rivera, L., Ye, L., Lay, T., Murotani, S. & Tsumura, K., 2019. New constraints on the 1922 Atacama, Chile, earthquake from historical seismograms, Geophysical Journal International.
Ye, L., Lay, T., Kanamori, H. & Koper, K.D., 2019. Reply to: Comment by Rodrigo Cienfuegos on "Rapidly Estimated Seismic Source Parameters for the 16 September 2015 Illapel, Chile, Mw 8.3 Earthquake" by Lingling Ye, Thorne Lay, Hiroo Kanamori, and Keith D. Koper, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176, 2753-2753.