Donald S. Burnett
Professor of Nuclear Geochemistry, Emeritus
B.S., University of Chicago, 1959; Ph.D., University of California, 1963. Research Fellow in Physics, Caltech, 1963-65; Assistant Professor of Nuclear Geochemistry, 1965-68; Associate Professor, 1968-75; Professor, 1975-2006; Professor Emeritus, 2006-. Academic Officer, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, 1979-87.
Research Summary
Problems of nucleosynthesis, elemental abundances and chemical evolution of solar system; meteorite and lunar sample analyses and laboratory synthesis experiments.
Research Options
Research Areas
Chemical Petrology;
Extraterrestrial Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry;
Stable Isotope Geochemistry;
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2022-23.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation.
Given in alternate years; offered 2022-23.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2021-22.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; not offered 2021-2022.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); third term, 2020-21.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; offered 2020-21.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett
Ge/Ch 127. Nuclear Chemistry.
9 units (3-0-6); first term, 2019-20.
Prerequisites: instructor's permission.
A survey course in the properties of nuclei, and in atomic phenomena associated with nuclear-particle detection. Topics include rates of production and decay of radioactive nuclei; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear masses, shapes, spins, and moments; modes of radioactive decay; nuclear fission and energy generation. Given in alternate years; offered 2019-20.
Instructor: Burnett
Instructor: Burnett